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The Waynesville R-VI School District serves an area and population unlike any other in the state of Missouri. Approximately 74 percent of our student population is military impacted with about 62 percent of students being military family members whose parents are assigned to nearby Ft. Leonard Wood. The remaining 38 percent are from the Waynesville and St. Robert communities. This results in a mobile community and a unique student population of approximately 5,800.

The excellence of the Waynesville R-VI Schools is demonstrated by the achievements of its faculty, staff, and students. We are a
Professional Learning Community dedicated
to success for all. Our district combines the advantages of a larger school district with the atmosphere of a smaller school district.

Six elementary schools serve students in grades K-6. Partridge, Pick, Thayer, and Wood elementary schools are located on Ft. Leonard Wood. East Elementary School is located in Waynesville and the Freedom Elementary School is located in St. Robert. Five of the schools have an all-day kindergarten program.

Waynesville Middle School serves students in grades 7-8.

HIGH SCHOOL (recognized as an A+ School)
Students in grades 9-12 attend Waynesville High School. A comprehensive curriculum with over 190 different courses and a total of more than 150 units of credit is available to students. An individual student can earn up to 36 units of credit in four years, including summer sessions. A minimum of 25 units of credit is required for high school graduation. Through dual enrollment and AP classes, students can earn up to 42 college credit hours during their junior and senior years.

At Waynesville Career Center, faculty and staff are committed to providing students with access to the best technology available. Students are provided with hands-on experiences in each career education field. Through these experiences, students are given the unique opportunity to view various career paths, which will enable them to make better career choices.


The Waynesville R-VI Board of Education continually strives to provide modern, state-of-the-art facilities.

- Each school within the district has its own faculty, counselor, librarian, nurse, and principal. This enables the schools to function independently, yet cohesively, under the direction of the district administration.

- Outstanding media centers with attractive learning environments are located in each building. All schools are also equipped with wired and mobile computer labs. A variety of fiction and non-fiction resources, films, video materials, and software programs are provided at each building. A district media center provides many more materials and services to the individual schools. High-speed fiber connections provide students access to many resources both local and on the internet. Integration of technology into the curriculum, at all grade levels, is an integral part of our instructional program.

-Each school participates in the lunch and breakfast program to provide nutritious meals. Reduced-price and free meals are available to those who fall within federal income guidelines.

-The district owns and operates a bus transportation system. The service consists of a fleet of 56 buses which run 88 daily routes.

- Developmental, health, and educational screening for all children aged birth to school age are provided through pre-school and PAT screening.

- Originating in Missouri, our Parents As Teachers (PAT) program is a nationally-acclaimed program assisting parents of children aged birth to three to become better first educators of their children. Our Heroes at Home PAT program is a pilot program serving only military families.

- Guidance and counseling services are provided to all students K-12. This comprehensive program supports the instructional program and offers each student a personal approach to problem solving, career and vocational information, drug prevention and awareness, and educational planning.

- Summer school is available to all students. The extensive summer school program provides students the opportunity for free education at all grade levels eleven months of the year.

- District-wide testing services are available for all students including specialized assessments for students with exceptional needs.

- Early Childhood Special Education services are available for children ages 3-5 with developmental delays and who are not eligible for kindergarten.

- Special classes and mentoring opportunities are provided for gifted students in grades K-12. The Learning Enrichment and Acceleration (LEAP) Program uses a differentiated curriculum.

- Services and accommodations are offered for students with disabilities under IDEA and Section 504.

- Nursing Services: Health Services are provided to all students.

- The English Language Learners program is available to assist students who have little or no English language ability.

- Homebound Instruction is provided for qualified students who are unable to attend school due to various specific physical or psychological difficulties.

- Volunteer, AmeriCorps, and AmeriCorps VISTA programs provide support to at-risk students and their families through strengthening volunteer programs, increasing parental and community involvement, promoting student service learning, and establishing student support systems.

The Waynesville R-VI School District employs an excellent staff of teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, library media specialists, special program teachers, and other certificated staff. Classified staff members are employed to provide educational support in the areas of secretarial, custodial, food service, maintenance, nursing, and paraprofessionals.

District State
Average Average

Teacher Salaries
(Regular Term) $ 44,705 $ 44,249

Teacher Salaries
(Total*) 46,947 46,089

Administrator Salaries 86,131 82,274

Non-Certified Salaries 27,345 Not Avail.

*Includes extended contract salary, Career Ladder supplement, and extra-duty pay.


Average Years of
Experience for
Certificated Staff 12.1 12.2

Teachers with a Master's
Degree or Higher 53.5 53.9


Students per Teacher
(including spec. ed.,
remedial, WTA, etc.) 14 13

Students per Administrator 200 187

Students per Regular
Classroom Teacher 18 17

The Waynesville R-VI School District is proud to have been accredited with "Distinction in Performance" by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the following years:

2003 - 2004 2006 - 2007
2004 - 2005 2007 - 2008
2005 - 2006 2008 - 2009

Community of diversity
Student- and stakeholder-driven quality
Continuous improvement and learning

Student preparedness
Quality and high-performing staff
Connected learning community
Caring, safe, and orderly learning environment

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