BUNCO - March 6th enjoy this face paced dice game.
Registration is available online by visiting www.fortleonardwoodmwr.com.
(Additional nights of play are April 3rd and May 1st). For
more information call 573-596-6913.
PFAA The Odd Couple: Female Version - The female version
adds a hilarious twist to the well known play by Neil Simon.
The Odd Couple is a comedy fit for all who are interested
in a night of laughter. This play has been rated PG 13 by
PFAA. Performances are scheduled to take place on March 9,
and 10 at 7:30 pm with a matinee performance on March 4 at
2:30 pm. Tickets are $10 per adults, $5 per children 12 and
under, and can be purchased at one of the following ticket
outlets: Charmed Cakes, Reznicek Dental Group, or the Pulaski
County Tourism Bureau Welcome Center.
Fishing 101 - March 10th The Outdoor Adventure Center
is hosting Fishing 101. This program offers an introduction
into the world of fishing. The class will cover the basics
and teach you how to pick the right rod, reel, and lure to
assist you in landing the big one on the lakes, rivers, and
ponds of Missouri. Class is held at the Outdoor Adventure
Center, 2290 FLW K from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is only
$5 per person. No fishing license is required to take the
class. All ages and abilities are welcome. For more information
call 573-596-4223.
Chamber Luncheon - March 14th at 11:45 a.m. at the
Greater Community Family Center. Our sponsor is Alfermann
Gray & Co. Cost is $10. Call (573) 336-5121 or e-mail
to R.s.v.p. by 9 a.m. on March 13th.
**Please note** The Chamber of Commerce is excited to
have such a large number of its members attend monthly luncheons.
Unfortunately, due to the large number of last minute Chamber
luncheon attendees a policy has been put into place by the
Chamber Board of Directors. This policy started in APRIL 2005;
anyone who responds after the R.s.v.p. cut-off time (9:00
a.m. the Tuesday before the luncheon) or shows up without
an R.s.v.p. may be charged an additional $10. If an R.s.v.p.
is received and they do not attend the luncheon there may
be a $10 charged for the meal. The decision was made to charge
this amount to compensate our Chamber member restaurants for
the last minute adjusts they must make to their menus.
Hunters Education Class - March 14th and 15th the
Outdoor Adventure Center in partnership with the Missouri
Department of Conservation will sponsor a Hunters Education
class from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Students must be at least
11 years old to participate. Pre-registration required and
there is a 40 student limit for the class. To register early
go to www.mdc.mo.gov to sign up for the Hunters Education
Class. Outdoor Adventure Center is located off FLW K building
2290. For more information call 596-0974.
3 on 3 Hoop Madness Basketball Tournament - March
17th Come out and join us for our first basketball tournament
at the ARK. Teams must be registered by March 9th. Cost is
$50 a team. For more information call 337-9128.
Bass Tournament - March 17th the Lake of the Ozarks
Recreation Area (LORA) will be hosting their annual Bass Tournament.
Tournament starts at 7:00 a.m. (or first safelight), weigh-ins
at 3:00 p.m. Entry free per boat is $40 and a $10 fee for
Big Bass (optional). Stop by the outdoor Adventure Center
or LORA for entry form and rules. For more information call
St. Patrick's Day Golf Tournament - March 17th at
the Piney Valley Golf Course. Cost is $30 for members and
$35 for non members; includes 18 holes, cart, and Reuben sandwich
for lunch. For more information call 573-329-4770.
St. Patrick's Day Bowling - March 17th Strike a color
head pin or spin the prize wheel and win a prize. Daugherty
Bowling Center is open regular hours; 11:00 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. Regular rates apply. For more information call 573-596-1498.
Route 66 Fest on the Square - St. Patrick's Day -
March 17th from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Formerly known as 3rd
Thursdays, Route 66 Fest has been reorganized to create three
grand events a year in March, June & October. Come downtown
and enjoy live music, contests, children's activities, great
specials at all participating businesses, vendors to browse...
and much, much more! The goal of Route 66 Fest is to revitalize
downtown Waynesville, while providing the community a fun,
family friendly event to look forward to three times a year.
VENDORS: We will start accepting applications February 1,
2012. Looking to become a vendor? The fee is only $20! AND
if you have a non-profit organization such as a church or
FRG it is only $5! Use this as an opportunity to get the word
out about your cause, or raise funds by providing children's
activities such as face painting, bake sales, etc. For more
information contact Lone Oak Printing or Seda's Gift Shoppe
at 573-774-3001 or 573-774-6910.
St. Patrick's Day Party - March 17th Celebrate St.
Patrick's Day at the Black Jack Bar & Grill. Enjoy green
beer, menu specials, and great music. LIVE entertainment by
local band the Junkyard Dogs playing the best of country and
classic rock. No cover charge. Party is from 8:00 p.m. to
12:00 a.m. and open to the public ages 21 and older. For more
information call 329-2455.
1st Annual Kids' Karnival - March 24th from 10:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the ARK Community and Sports Center.
This event is free and open to the public. There will be games,
crafts, demonstrations and so much more. For more information
call 337-9128.
Night Golf - March 24th the most fun you can have
on the course after dark! Piney Valley Golf Course hosts Night
Golf, enjoy golfing at night with glow in the dark golf balls
and chemical lights beginning at 3:00 p.m. Cost is $30 per
person for Annual Green Fee Patrons and $35 for non AGFPs,
meal included. Each team will play 9 holes in daylight and
then 8 holes after dark. Enjoy a chicken fried steak dinner
at the turn. Prizes will be awarded for 1st-3rd place and
for most "off-the-wall" dressed team. Night Golf
is limited to 64 people and rental clubs are available. For
more information call 329-4770.
Committee of Fifty Luncheon - March 30th at 12:00
p.m. at the Hampton Inn in St. Robert. Please R.s.v.p. by
calling 573-336-5121 or send an email to info@wsrchamber.com
March 29th.
Taste of Pulaski County & Basket Auction - March
31st from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the St. Robert Community
Center. Restaurants will be handing out fine samples of all
their favorite menu items during this event. A variety of
specialty baskets from area businesses will also be up for
bid. A silent auction and door prizes are also included in
this fun filled event. Doors open 11:00 a.m. with the Auction
beginning at 12:30 p.m. come early to browse the wonderful
items for bid and start sampling the delicious food offered
by area restaurants. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children
12-5 years old and children 4 and under are free. Pre-event
tickets are available at the Chamber office. For more information,
visit www.waynesville-strobertchamber.com
or call 573-336-5121.
St. Robert Easter Egg Hunt - March 31st from 1:00
p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt will be on the East Ridge
field, behind the Aquatic Center and Fishing Pond in St. Robert.
We had a great turn out for the 2011 Easter Egg Hunt. Even
though it was windy and cold, 260 residents came out to the
ball field to gather up 8000 goodie-filled eggs. There were
16 newborn to two year old hunters, 37 three to five year
olds, 35 six to eight year olds, and 16 nine to twelve year
olds totaling to 104 egg hunt participants. The three children
from each age group that collected the most eggs received
one of these great prizes: filled Easter baskets, bubble guns,
toys and candy, or a Wal-Mart gift card. All prizes were donations
from Wal-Mart St. Robert, the Wal-Mart Foundation, Jackson
Hewitt, and Sonic. The Easter Bunny was also there for pictures
and to help kids hunt for his eggs. For more information contact
Betheny Martin at bmartin@saintrobert.com
or 573-451-2625.
Easter Bowl - April 8th join Daugherty Bowling center
for some Easter Bowl; participating children will receive
an Easter egg with candy and prizes inside while supplies
last. Daugherty Bowling Center will be open during regular
hours; 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information call
NAF Warehouse Sale - April 10th and 11th bargain hunters
can receive deep discounts at the NAF excess property Warehouse
Sale. Sale will be held 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at bldg. 2311
Railroad Street. Items are sold "as is" with no
refunds. The profits from the sale go directly to the Family
& MWR fund to be reinvested back to programs and services
for soldiers and families. For more information call 596-0173.
Spring Cleaning Yard Sale - April 21st available for
advance $5 each, table rental $5. Day of sale space is $10.
Baker theater overflow parking lot sale is from 8:00am -12:00.
Pre registration is available in the Special Events office
in bldg 1000 on South Dakota Ave.
Lions Club Annual Pancake Breakfast - April 21st from
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the St. Robert Community Center.
There will be pancakes, sausage, biscuits, and gravy. Cost
is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children under 12.
Movie in the Park - April 27th featuring "HOP."
Enjoying a movie with friends and family under the stars.
Movie begins at 8:30 p.m. and will take place at Colyer Park.
Movie is free and open to the public. Bring your own blanket
and chairs. No pets allowed. No show if rain or high winds.
Concessions will be available. For more information call 596-6913.
**If you have any information for our community calendar
please email info@wsrchamber.com.
For more events click on the
link below to view the county calendar! www.visitpulaskicounty.org/calendar/
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