April Fool's Day Bowling - April 1st No foolin' Daugherty
Bowling Center's April Fools Day Special! Buy one game at
regular price and receive your second game free 10:30 a.m.
- 6:00 p.m. Games are $3.00 and show rentals are $2.00. The
Daugherty Bowling Center is open to the public. For more information
call 596-1498.
Waynesville Public Hearing - April 4th at 4:30 p.m.
at City Hall the City of Waynesville will have a Public Hearing
for the Old H Highway project, near the tennis courts. Residents
of Mitchell Heights, Hull Valley and all interested parties
are invited to City Hall for the monthly Roads and Grounds
Committee to hear these plans.
2nd Annual Race for the Ribbons - April 6th at 8:00
a.m. 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk. For more information contact
the Waynesville Interact Club by emailing miwhite@waynesville.k12.mo.us.
Great Spring Cleaning FMWR Yard Sale - April 6th Looking
for great deals in one location? Fort Leonard Wood and Family
& MWR are hosting the Great Spring Cleaning Yard Sale
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Baker Theater auxiliary parking
lot. Yard sale is open to the public. For more information
call the FMWR special events office at 596-6913.
Route 66 Scrabble Run - April 6th at 9:30 a.m. The
run will start and finish at Skyline Cycles in Waynesville.
First card is $10. Each additional card is $5. Ride Historic
Rt. 66, get your card(s) punched at 1 or all 7 stops and draw
your scrabble tiles for a chance to spell out "skyline."
Prizes and refreshments will be available. Rain date is April
13th. For more information contact Robert Fitzgerald at
503-358-2257 or 573-774-5775.
2nd Annual Kids Karnival - April 6th from 10:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m. at the ARK Community & Sports Center. This
event is FREE and open to the public. Our focus this year
is on "healthy kids". The purpose of this event
is to foster a fit and healthy lifestyle for children of all
ages within the community. Join us for a day of fun-filled
activities including face painting, obstacle course, toddler
games, arts and crafts, story time, bubble blowing, hula hoops
and much more. For more information call 573-337-9128.
Paranormal Investigations of the Historic Talbot House
- Begin April 6th Participants will be given a brief history
and tour of the Talbot House. Then upon completions of the
tour we will sign liability waivers and then participants
will be allowed to conduct a supervised investigation. You
must call to reserve your place for an investigation. Investigations
take place on the 1st Saturday of the month. Cost is $20.00
per person. There is a maximum of 8 people per investigation
and a minimum of 4. Reservations must be made prior to investigation
date. Minimum age limit is 18 years old. For more information
call Crocker Optimistic Paranormal Society at 573-528-2149.
Greater Ozarks Chapter IAAP 25th Anniversary Commemoration
- April 9th at 5:30 p.m. at Price Cutter Restaurant. Visitors
are welcome to attend, especially any past members or past
IAAP or Professional Secretaries International (PSI) training
attendees. (Optional dinner buffet for those who wish to purchase
a meal)
Chamber Luncheon - April 10th at 11:45 a.m. at Hampton
Inn and catered by Andy's 417. Our sponsor will be Mid Missouri
Credit Union. Please contact the Chamber Office to RSVP before
9:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 9th.
**Please note** The Chamber of Commerce is excited to
have such a large number of its members attend monthly luncheons.
Unfortunately, due to the large number of last minute Chamber
luncheon attendees a policy has been put into place by the
Chamber Board of Directors. This policy started in APRIL 2005;
anyone who responds after the R.s.v.p. cut-off time (9:00
a.m. the Tuesday before the luncheon) or shows up without
an R.s.v.p. may be charged an additional $10. If an R.s.v.p.
is received and they do not attend the luncheon there may
be a $10 charged for the meal. The decision was made to charge
this amount to compensate our Chamber member restaurants for
the last minute adjusts they must make to their menus.
Teen Career Fair - April 10th from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30
p.m. at Pippin Youth Center on Fort Leonard Wood. Want to
make some money for the summer or planning for your future?
Come learn how! Employers, local colleges, military recruiters,
and other resources will be available on site. Possible interviews,
so come dress for success! This event is free to attend and
open to all teens in the community ages 15-18. For more information
call 573-596-0209 for visit fortleonardwoodmwr.com
Tour of Fort Leonard Wood - April 11th AUSA, Committee
of Fifty, Friends of the Fort, Support the Fort and Phelps
for the Fort will be offering a tour of Ft. Leonard Wood beginning
at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 2:30 p.m. We are excited to be
able to offer the community this opportunity to tour Ft. Leonard
Wood and witness the transformations that have impacted our
communities in so many positive ways over the years. The tour
will be leaving from the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber Office,
located in the lower level of the Visitor's Center at 137
St. Robert Blvd., Ste. B in St. Robert, as always please remember
to park in the back of the building. Lunch will be provided
by AUSA during the tour. Space is very limited so please R.S.V.P.
to the Committee of Fifty office at (573) 336-5121 or email
no later than April 5th.
Bass Tournament - April 13th LORA will be hosting
their annual Bass Tournament starting at 7:00 a.m. or first
safelight, weigh-in is at 3:00 p.m. Entry fee per boat is
$40 and an optional $10 fee for Big Bass. Stop by the Outdoor
Adventure Center or LORA for entry form/rules. Open to the
public. For more information call 573-346-5673.
Run for the Tiger 5K Run & Walk - April 13th at
8:30 a.m. at the Waynesville City Park. Registration will
begin at 7:00 a.m. and cost is $15 per person. First 100 participants
will receive a t-shirt. For more information call 573-855-9311.
Wood Elementary Spring Fair - April 13th from 11:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wood Elementary Spring Fair will have games,
activities, bounce house, dunk tank, food, drinks, local vendors,
and more! For more information contact Carrie Holmquist at
Senior Golf Tour - April 16th The Piney Valley Golf
Course is hosting the Senior Tour, with shotgun start at 9
a.m. Cost is $30 for Annual Green Fees Patron members and
$35 for non-AGFP, includes green fee, cart, range practice
and breakfast. Tour is open to the public ages 50 years and
older. Register at the Piney Valley Golf Course. For more
information call 329-4770.
Production of Dirty Work at the Crossroads by Bill Johnson
- April 18th at 7:00 p.m. For more information contact Mr.
Mike Beattie at 774-6401, ext. 2123 or email mbeattie@waynesville.k12.mo.us.
Geocaching Earth Day Appreciation - April 20th at
8:45 a.m. at the Waynesville Community Park. Cost is $10 for
individuals or $35 for a team of up to 4 people. Paid participants
will receive a wristband and t-shirt. There will also be a
kid's scavenger hunt. For more information contact Hummin'
Bird Events at 573-227-2238 or visit www.facebook.com/HumminBirdEvents
Chamber Four Person Scramble - April 25th the tournament
will be an 18-hole four person scramble with a shotgun start
at 10:00 a.m. at Piney Valley Golf Course on Fort Leonard
Wood. Team check-in will be at 9:00 a.m. A meal will be provided
for teams after they complete the tournament. Awards will
be given after the tournament is complete as well as door
prizes donated by Chamber members. Registration for teams
is now open. There is a $50 entry fee per person. Mulligans,
Stings, and Skins will be available. There is a limit of 30
teams so register today! Registration forms and entry fee
payment must be received at the Chamber office by April 15th.
Committee of Fifty Luncheon - April 26th at 12:00
p.m. at the Hampton Inn in St. Robert. Please R.s.v.p. by
calling 573-336-5121 or send an email to info@wsrchamber.com
by April 25th.
Pitch, Hit, & Run - April 26th The CYS Youth Sports
and Fitness is hosting a FREE local Pitch, Hit & Run competition
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Morris Field. Registration
begins at 5:00 p.m., no registration fee required. Competition
is open to youth ages 7-14, proof of age will be required
at registration. Winners of our local competition, in their
age group, will have an opportunity to advance to the section
level of competition. Pitch, Hit, & Run is an official
skills program of MLB that is designed to recognize individual
excellence in core baseball/softball skills. Event is free
and open to the public. For more information call 596-0209.
Outdoor Movie Campout - April 26th Family & MWR
invites you to the Outdoor Movie Campout at Happy Hollow Park
with a double feature "The Great Outdoors" and "Without
a Paddle." Enjoy a movie with friends and family under
the stars! Movie begins at 8:00 p.m. Movies are free and open
to the public. Bring your own blanket, tent, sleeping bags
and chairs. No pets allowed. No show if rain or high winds.
Concessions will be available for purchase. For more information
call 596-6913.
Spring Fling Softball Tournament - April 27th Kick
off your summer with the Spring Fling Softball Tournament
starting at 9:00 a.m. at Sports Complex B. Cost is $125 per
team. Registration deadline is April 25th. Tournament is open
to the public. ASA rules apply. Must be 18 or older and register
2 days in advance. Register at the Davidson Fitness Center
of call 596-7444.
Women of Significance Brunch - April 27th at 11:00
a.m. at Westside Baptist Church located in Waynesville. Doors
will open for gift shopping at 10:30 a.m. This is a benefit
for Genesis: A place of New Beginnings. The brunch will feature
the Next Step to Freedom: Breaking the Chains of Family Violence.
Ticket price is $20 and must be purchased in advance. Tickets
are available online at www.goodsam-genesis.com
or at the Good Samaritan Thrift Store. For more information
call 573-774-2806.
2nd Annual Wounded Warrior Weekend - May 3rd and 4th
Hosted by Francis J. Lynch Memorial VFW Post 3168 & VMC
of Waynesville. Friday night at the VFW will include all you
can eat spaghetti dinner for $5 per person starting at 5:00
p.m. with The Area's Hottest Band Kricket Alley Kicking of
@8:00 p.m. Saturday the VMC will hold a Poker Run and a BBQ,
time TBD. Raffle ticket sales begin soon with a chance to
win up to $1000.00 in gift cards from Harley Davidson, Coach
Purse, Wal-Mart, Bass Pro, and Lowes. 100% of raffle proceeds
will benefit Fort Leonard Wood Wounded Warriors! For more
information contact Francis J. Lynch Memorial VFW Post 3168
at 573-765-3168 or visit www.facebook.com/pages/VFW-Post-3168/281886011840024.
Support of Sports 5K Walk/Run - May 4th at 9:00 a.m.
at the St. Robert Community Center. Registration is $20. All
proceeds will go to the St. Robert-Waynesville Youth Sports
Program. All participants will be responsible for tracking
their own times. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place runners will be recorded
by the City of St. Robert. You may pre-register at Tiger Typhoon
Aquatic Center March 5th to April 28th, Monday to Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday 1:00 p.m. to
5:00 p.m. Pre-registers participants will received one t-shirt
on the day of the event. You may register after the cut-off
date but will not receive a t-shirt. For more information
call 573-451-2625 or email tedwards@saintrobert.com.
Chamber Quarterly +1 Luncheon - May 8th at 11:30 a.m.
at the St. Robert Community Center, catered by Vidies Bistro.
Our sponsor will be Michels Frams and Things.. Please contact
the Chamber Office to RSVP before 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 7th.
The Challenge - May 18th in the Waynesville City Park
Participants will race to stations and complete challenges.
The first team to successfully complete all challenges and
cross the finish line will be the event winner. Teams are
made up of two people. Teams that pre-register at the Chamber
office will receive a t-shirt. For more information contact
the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce at 573-336-5121.
Glow in the Dark Golf Tournament - May 18th. Registration
will be at 6:00 p.m. and the shotgun start will be at 7:00
p.m. Entry fee for all players is $20. The tournament will
be 18 holes with 9 played before dark and 9 played after dark.
Food will be provided. Prizes will be awarded for closet to
the pin and the longest put as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
prizes. Please reserve a spot by contacting the St. Robert
Municipal Golf Course at 573-451-2000 ext. 1306 or stop by
the golf course at 140 Duffer Drive in St. Robert.
2013 Mid America Freedom Rally - May 24th to May 27th
a Motorcycle rally dedicated to those who have given up the
ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms in this country.
The rally is sponsored by 6 locals of the Freedom of Road
Riders, Missouri's premier motorcycle rights group. 2012 brought
over 2400 people through our gates. Our numbers increase every
year! For more information visit http://local28forr.com/index.html
Tiger Typhoon Opens - Saturday May 25th. For more
information contact City of St. Robert Parks and Recreation
at 573-451-2625.
Chamber Office Closed - May 27th in observance of
Memorial Day.
Eggs & Issues Luncheon - The Waynesville-St. Robert
Chamber welcomes State Senator Dan Brown and State Representative
Steve Lynch to its annual Eggs and Issues Lunch at the Hampton
Inn beginning at 11:30 a.m. on May 29th. This event, sponsored
by CenturyLink, is one of the highlights of the year as our
local State Senator and Representative report on the issues
and challenges brought to the Missouri Congress during its
most recent session and answer questions from the audience.
This is a Chamber members only event. There is no charge and
the meal is being provided by CenturyLink and catered by Andy's
417. RSVP by calling the Chamber office at (573) 336-5121
or e-mailing chamber@wsrchamber.com
by 9 a.m. May 23rd to reserve your seat at this 'must
attend' event. If you have a reservation and are unable to
attend without notifying the Chamber, you will be charged
for the meal.
St. Robert Municipal Golf Course Junior Golf Camp
- June 4th and 6th and June 11th and 13th from 9:00 a.m. to
10:00 a.m. for ages 7-15. Fee is $30 per student to be paid
at the time of registration. Please bring your own clubs.
Golf balls will be provided. Reserve a spot by contacting
the St. Robert Municipal Golf Course at 573-451-2000 ext.
St. Robert Municipal Golf Course Leagues - Men's League:
June 11th to June 30th every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Women's
League: June 12th to June 31st every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
Register any time before June 1st. Entry fee is $13 per player,
per week. Format is 9 holes, 1 hour of play time. Reserve
a spot by contacting the St. Robert Municipal Golf Course
at 573-451-2000 ext. 1306.
8th Annual USO Military Support Motorcycle Ride -
June 15th registration begins at 10:00 a.m. at Ozark Harley-Davidson,
Lebanon. Ride Departs and 12 noon and will end at the Fort
Leonard Wood USO where a presentation to the Fort Leonard
Wood USO will take place. Cost for the event is $15 (donation)
per motorcycle) All proceeds from the event will be donated
to the Fort Leonard Wood USO to help support the uniformed
services. All riders will be required to wear eye protection,
DOT helmet, long pants, some form of riding glove, and ankle
high foot wear. All military members and their passengers
must abide by app PPE requirements. This event is sponsored
by Ozark area motorcyclists which includes support from Ozark
Mountain Chapter of Harley Owners Group Lebanon and the Freedom
of Road Riders Local 28 Waynesville, Local 7 Lebanon and St.
Robert Chapter of American Legion Riders. For more information
call 573-586-7221 or 573-528-1528 or visit www.local28forr.com
**If you have any information for our community calendar please email
For more events click on the
link below to view the county calendar! http://visitpulaskicounty.mhsoftware.com/
to main newsletter