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This year's legislative session is moving in a more positive direction in regard to economic development.

The "Fix the 6" was identified by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Missouri, and the Missouri Economic Development Council as issues that needed reform to existing business priorities.

The 6 areas of concern are worker's compensation, corporate franchise tax, elimination of the minimum wage escalator, tort reform, employment law reform, and unemployment insurance reform.

If the unemployment insurance law remains as is, employers will see a $21.00 increase on every employee next year.

The corporate franchise tax is moving for further reductions or elimination.
Workers compensation second injury fund is broke and needs funding.
The elimination of the state minimum wage escalator must change or Missouri minimum wage will be higher than federal guidelines.

Another issue which has gained momentum is the Right- to -Work. This issue has been dormant in Missouri for decades. All of Missouri's bordering states except Illinois and Kentucky have adopted right-to-work laws.

Site selectors have told economic developers for years that Missouri is not considered for major projects, because of this issue.

I am also following the Governor's tax credit changes in the Compete Missouri proposed legislation.

The Governor appointed a committee to review all tax credit programs in the State of Missouri. The recommendations will be part of an economic development bill that will include several topics.

Lastly of interest to economic development is the Callaway II legislation for a second nuclear plant reactor. Energy is a important part of business decisions and certainly quality of life for Missouri.

Economic Development
Wayne Morgan
Executive Director
137 St. Robert Blvd. Suite B
St. Robert, MO 65584
573-434-2304 cell


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