Veteran's Memorial

The idea to build a Memorial began in 1996 when
David Shafer proposed the idea to the American Legion Post 331.
In 2003 the Chamber was asked to take over the project and got
straight to work by holding a design contest. John Jacob was the
artist with the winning design and we are happy to have him with
us today to celebrate.
In 2005 talk began about a Veterans Cemetery and
the need for the State of Missouri to find the necessary funding
to match the federal grant and bring the cemetery here. The Chamber
organized a petition and collected 700 signatures to show the
community support and as we can look around and see the State
found the funding. Speaking of funding, we held Veterans' Balls
and fundraising drives; we've sold yellow ribbons and these bricks
to raise the $50,000 needed for the construction of this monument.
For all the work, time, and dollars that went
into this project the Chamber thanks you-the community. We can
plan and fundraise all we want but it's all moot without your
support. Thank you.
Veteran's Memorial Dedication Ceremony