The week of February 13 - 17, 2023 was the 12th Waynesville-St.
Robert Area Chamber of Commerce Volunteer Appreciation Week. The
Chamber always likes to recognize and thank all of the volunteers
that contribute to the success of the Chamber throughout the year
as well as the businesses that support their volunteer efforts.
Each day of Volunteer Appreciation Week is dedicated to recognizing
one of the five volunteer groups that make up the Chamber's volunteers:
Chamber Ambassadors Club, Chamber Board of Directors, CHOICES
Program presenters, LPC Alumni Foundation, and Governmental &
Military Affairs Committee.
The Chamber distributed fliers to all of the local Chamber member
businesses who employ a Chamber volunteer to display during the
week. These fliers demonstrate and recognize the business' commitment
to the Chamber and the success of the business community.
For more information on getting more involved in the Waynesville-St.
Robert Chamber of Commerce talk to any Chamber volunteer or contact
the Chamber office at 573-336-5121. More information on all of
the Chamber events and opportunities to get involved are also
available at